Workplace Wellness Benefits

Read more about why Mindfulness in the Workplace matters here.


MORE ABOUT mindfulness in the workplace

these are just some of the powerful benefits of implementing a workplace meditation program…

Increased Productivity, Even Under Stress: Meditation breaks can help employees clear their minds and feel more calm yet focused, strengthening the ability to pay attention, reduce mind-wandering and enhance working memory. 

Resiliency: A guided meditation program can help build a more resilient workforce by teaching stress coping and management skills. Employees learn how to effectively deal with emotional triggers and stress in the workplace and learn techniques to respond wisely and skillfully vs. react from fear or uncertainty.

Strengthened Decision-Making: Mindfulness trains the brain to better tap into the present moment, leading to more rational decision making.

Improved Focus and Attention: Our ability to pay attention is unreliable when we’re under stress.  Researchers at the Columbia University Medical Center claim meditating can change the structure and function of the brain, which can increase focus and learning concentration, improve memory and attention span.

Mental Wellbeing: Research from Johns Hopkins University has found that meditation can activate the area of the brain that governs thinking and emotions, helping to decrease feelings of anxiety, depression, and emotional exhaustion.

Greater Leadership: By increasing self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and positivity, meditation can make a huge impact by creating mindfulness-based leadership skills in the workplace.

Better Work Relationships: Practicing meditation together as a group promotes social interaction, a sense of unity and healthy relationships by fostering a more positive outlook and attitude.

Boosted Immune System: Research points to the fact that meditation increases electrical activity in the left side of the brain, which helps the immune system work more efficiently.

Improved Sleep: Research studies indicate that meditation can improve a person’s ability to sleep and enhance quality of sleep by easing anxiety and rumination.

All workplace programs can be custom-tailored for unique wellness goals and personal, individual initiatives. For more information and rates, contact Terri here.