


Are you new to meditation? Would you like to learn tools and techniques to develop a strong and lasting mindfulness practice? Or perhaps you have been meditating for a while, and just need a restart button for your existing practice. 

When you learn how to pay attention in the present moment without judgement, you will start to notice just how much it benefits you and those around you! A consistent meditation practice will help you achieve emotional balance, increase resilience to manage daily challenges, reduce stress and anxiety and develop more kindness and compassion towards yourself and others.

Terri’s teachings are simple and accessible, yet profoundly powerful. Each day you will receive an email from Terri in your inbox with the theme of the day, a mindfulness tip to apply to your day and an audio recording of your daily meditation practice. 

There is one more component to this program that we invite you to bring – accountability! Nudge, nudge. Invite a friend to join! Having an accountability buddy throughout this program will boost your success of sticking with the 14 days.


*We deeply believe in the value of this offering, but we also know times are tough at this moment. If you cannot afford the series offerings but are interested, please email me and we'll make it work. We're all in this together.